A hard working campaign.

FSB 50 anniversary 2_1.1.2.png

This is one of 4 commercials aired on TV and Social Media platforms, these videos amassed 373,901 views on Youtube alone.


First Security Bank - 50 year anniversary

To commemorate First Security Bank's 50-year journey, we forged a dynamic partnership with Athena Photography and the bank’s marketing team. Through this collaboration we helped create a powerful video and photo campaign that ran for over a year. The campaign included the creation of four commercials, strategically broadcasted on both TV and Social Media platforms. We curated a compelling 12-episode interview series to tell the story of forming the brand and its identity, designed for both internal and external brand use. This multifaceted approach not only celebrated the bank's anniversary but also engaged audiences across diverse channels, leaving a lasting impact on both external viewers and the bank's internal community.


Sunup to Sundown, our hardworking campaign demands an equally hardworking team.

In just 7 days, we efficiently captured the entire campaign at Rich Ranch in Montana. We wanted to capture the ranchers work as authentically as possible so we filmed around their schedule from sunup to sundown. Not only did this allow for the rustic and authentic feel we were going for, but it also saved on set design, talent acquisition, and props. Our approach ensures we capitalize on every natural moment, delivering a campaign that has the look and feel the client wants and remains budget-friendly.


The power of good storytelling.

Whether through interviews, scripted content, visual narratives, or even the charm of cowboy poetry, compelling storytelling stands as the linchpin to any successful video endeavor. The purpose of these videos is to showcase the brands identity, values and invested efforts in building strong relationships with the community they served for over 50 years. Through thoughtfully crafted interviews, we delved into the values and history of First Security Bank, presenting their unwavering commitment to their community and their moral integrity. The commercials, adorned with cowboy poetry voiceovers and a mock radio talk show, served as authentic testaments to the brand's identity. In the realm of video creation, storytelling isn't just a tool; it's the cornerstone that unveils the soul of a brand.